Friday, November 27, 2009

Sorry so silent

So yeah life was hectic between getting married and playing tourist with the in laws and stuff I am finally starting to get back on track. Will try get some tuts and freebies up soon I am trying to start on scrapkits but yeaaaaaaaa not the best at that yet. See you soon.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Heavenly Angel

Just a quick note this was written for a tut challenge I am part of in the Rac Stalkers Forum. They are an awesome group. So here it is.

Heavenly Angel

Supplies needed

• Envied and admired’s Heaven Sent scrap kit. This is a freebie kit which you can grab from her blog here. Just remember click on Freebies and search, she has some awesome kits to offer. don’t forget to follow her TOU

• A tube of choice, I am using the art of Ismael Rac. He is a PTU artist, to get a license and his tubes run over to and you can get them there.

• Plug ins are as follows. Penta Jeans, Xero Radiance Eye Candy 4000 Glass and Gradient Glow.

• Mask of choice or the one I used which is from Vix mask 363 you can get them here

• Font of choice I used LHF Old Black letter 72

When you are resizing make sure that why working with layers don’t have resize all layers unless advised.

Open a new image 600 by 600 flood fill with white.

Open up the frame 13 and copy and paste as a new layer. With your deformation tool rotate it a little. Then resize by 90 percent so it fits in.

Grab your magic wand and click on the frame. With it selected Penta Jeans Amount 20 Border 4 select none.

Open a paper of choice back on the frame click inside the frame expand by 3 and copy and paste a paper of choice. Move it under the frame layer.

Copy and paste a copy of your tube and move it into position erase any parts that are sticking out of the frame.

Duplicate your tube layer and on the bottom one, Gaussian blur 20 on the top tube Xero Radiance 128, 50, 128, 255 and then overlay change the opacity to 80

Frame 10 as a new layer you need to resize it a lot so that it fits down. I then duplicated it and moved another to the other side. Using your magic wand, click on both frames and add Jeans again.

Open a paper of choice, click inside of one frame modify and expand by 3 and copy and paste. Invert and then delete. Move the paper down below the frame. Do the same for the other frame as well.

Go through with the following drop shadow on all frame layers V&H 0 Opacity 45 Blur 3 Color Black.

Pick any of your smaller frames, select inside with your magic wand and expand by 3 again. Copy and paste your tube and place it however you wish. Invert and delete then change the blend layer to Luminance (L) and opacity down to 80. Do the same to the other smaller frame this time use a different part of the tube if you wish. I also used Radiance again on both tube layers same settings as before.

Copy flower one as a new layer resize a little and move behind the frame at the top duplicate the layer and move down the bottom.

Copy and paste dove 2 and move towards the top circle frame add a drop shadow. The same as before then duplicate and flip and move into position.

Add any other embellishments you wish.

Add text or word art of choice there are some supplied in the scrap kit. I also used Eye Candy Glass with my font just play around until you are happy.

Add a small gradient glow to your text if desired.

On your background layer click it and new raster layer. Pick a darker color from your tube and fill it as the new layer. Load mask of choice and merge group.

Resize your tag if you wish and add any names or text you wish as well as all your copyright and save!

I would love to see how you done with my tut so please feel free to email me the tags or post links in the comments.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Me & Him

Me & Him

Supplies needed

Juicybits Me and Him scrap kit. This is a freebie kit which you can grab from her blog here. Just remember click on Freebies and search, she has some awesome kits to offer. don’t forget to follow her TOU

A couple tube of choice, I am using the art of Elias Chatzoudis. He is a PTU artist, to get a license and his tubes run over to and you can get them there.

Plug ins are as follows. Eye candy for Gradient glow. DSB Flux bright noise

Animation shop (if desired you don’t have to animate)

Mask of choice or the one I used which is from butterflyflutterby her link is here. It’s in the Rock masks pack 65 – 70. I used mask 65

Font of choice I used MC Sweethearts 90 (I also selected the hearts and added bright noise)

When you are resizing make sure that why working with layers don’t have resize all layers unless advised.

Open a new image 600 by 600 flood fill with white.

Open up the black mask (0018) and copy and paste as a new layer

With your magic wand click inside of the frame and expand by 5

New raster layer and paste your paper as new selection if you want all colors showing. I used paper 13

Select none and then copy and paste your tube of choice. You can either resize to fit in the frame but I left them overhanging the top so they “popped” out so to speak. If you do it my way don’t forget to delete off the bottom so it looks like they are in your frame

Drop shadow on the tube, I used 2,2,50,3 black.

Copy and paste the me and him heart (0010) resize 58 percent, move down to the bottom left corner.

Duplicate the heart layer and merge down. Gradient glow white 10.

Copy and paste the butterflies (009) move to behind all your layers and then move into position.

Duplicate and mirror, merge down. Duplicate this layer until you have 3 layers

On the top layer go to DSB Flux bright noise mix 20 hit okay

Middle layer DSB Flux bright noise mix 30 hit okay

Bottom layer DSB Flux bright noise mix 40 hit okay.

Open the green doodle (0023) copy and paste as a new layer move it to the top for the moment, then flip it (Image flip) move over to the side and then move back to the bottom layer.

DSB Flux bright noise on the last setting you used.

High light layer one, copy and paste a new paper of choice. I used paper 8

Load mask, mask 65 if using the one I did, or any of choice. I duplicated it a few times so you can see the lips and merged the mask layers together.

Next add text of choice and then resize to your liking make sure all layers IS checked.

Add your copyrights and then open up Animation Shop

In psp close off the bottom and middle butterfly layer leaving just the top one.

Copy merged and paste as new animation in animation shop

Back in psp close off the top butterfly layer and open the middle layer, copy merged and paste after current frame in animation shop

Again back in psp close off the middle layer and open the bottom butterfly layer copy merged and paste after current frame in animation shop.

Select all in animation shop and change the frame properties to 15 then save.

I would love to see how you done with my tut so please feel free to email me the tags or post links in the comments.


Well I am super excited to be writing again when it comes to tuts. I always love having passion and creativity come to me. With this blog I want you to understand a few things. I will try have 3 tuts a week up however I am getting married in a few weeks so it's a bit hard to juggle the comp and my hubby. Also you may find the occasional freebie posted on here. I am trying to make templates and scrap stuff not full kits though mostly frames and papers stuff like that. My TOU will be placed up on the side shortly and I hope people will follow them. My first tut is about to be posted so hopefully you enjoy.
